Photographers who care

This has really resonated with me.

One of the dogs on my beach shoot (who I have had the pleasure of photographing a couple of times) passed away a week after the photo shoot.

He gained his angel wings before I delivered the photos to his family. I aways get anxious before I send the photos to families as I really care and want them to meet (or ideally exceed) expectations. But this was another level when editing the photos. I needed these to be perfect for them knowing these will be his last photos in one of his favourite places - the beach.

Thankfully they did love the photos.

I care so much about every dog who enters my lens. I know I am creating precious moments and memories, whether it’s on a photoshoot or at an event. Every time I press the shutter that is a moment frozen in time which gives us the ability to travel back to that memory. Don't just flick through photos, really look at them, It’s amazing what memories may spark up and the feelings and emotions that will conjure in you


Podcasts and Photography


Secrets of September